
  • Mole Removal
    Mole Removal: What to Expect Worried about that mole? A mole is a dark spot or irregularity in the skin. Everyone is at risk of skin cancer and should keep an Read more
  • Hyperhidrosis
    Why Do I Have Excessive Sweating?  Do you commonly find that your armpits or feet are drenched with sweat, despite being in mild weather and not being active? If so, you Read more
  • Are You Dealing With Acne?
    Discover helpful acne-fighting tips and trick to achieve clearer skin. You’re trying to find the right way to get your acne under control, right? Well, there are certainly so many Read more
  • Get Control of Your Acne
    Don’t let acne ruin your skin. Discover the many options you have for managing your symptoms. While we often associate acne with our teenage years, it doesn’t mean that as adults Read more
  • Dealing With Irregular Skin Pigmentation
    Brown spots and skin discoloration are frequent complaints for many people. The most common form of irregular pigmentation is hyperpigmentation, a condition in which patches of skin become darker in Read more
  • What is Psoriasis?
    What is Psoriasis? Have you been experiencing bumpy, white-scale-topped patches of red skin erupting over certain parts of your body? These itchy, sometimes painful plaques could be the result of an Read more
  • What are Spider Veins?
    At some point during our lifetime most of us will develop spider veins, those tiny little purple, red or blue web-like lines that are the result of twisted blood vessels. Read more
  • Everything You Need to Know about Keratosis Pilaris
    Could those rough, white bumps actually be Keratosis Pilaris? If you are dealing with rough patches of skin on your body, then you may be dealing with a condition known as Read more
  • Identifying Your Skin Type
    Learn the best way to care for your skin based on your skin type. Just like fingerprints are unique to each individual person, so too is our skin. So what kind Read more
  • The Benefits of Botox
    The Benefits of Botox Want to erase the signs of aging this year? Millions of men and women are discovering the benefits of BOTOX treatments. BOTOX is a medicine that is Read more
  • What are Hives?
    Discover more about this common skin condition, and what you can do to treat your itchy symptoms. What are hives? What are the symptoms of hives? Also referred to as urticaria, hives Read more
  • What is Lupus and How Does It Affect Skin
    Find out what this autoimmune disorder means for your skin health. According to the Lupus Foundation of America, approximately 1.5 million Americans and five million people globally have some form of Read more
  • The Basics of Wart Treatment
    Find out the most effective ways to remove a wart. The common wart is a small tumor caused by a virus known as the human papillomavirus (HPV). Warts can occur anywhere Read more
  • How to Treat Facial Scarring
    Find out how your dermatologist can improve the appearance of your facial scars. From traumatic injuries to acne, there are a variety of reasons why you may be dealing with facial Read more
  • Choosing the Right Lotion for Your Dry Skin
    Find out how to care for your dry skin effectively. Despite the fact that spring isn’t too far behind, we still have to put up with snow, cold temperatures and freezing Read more
  • What is Shingles?
    What are the symptoms of and treatments for this painful dermatological condition? Did you know that anyone who has had chickenpox is at risk for shingles, and that those over the Read more

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